monkey and crocodile

One day, there was a monkey which look for the fruits as his food in the tree. he found the apple tree in the side of river. Of course, it made him happy.
"Cihuy...I get the ripe apples there. I will take it" said monkey sudenlly.
So, monkey took the apples with singing and swinging from one banch to other branch. "It is so sweet, I like it. I will bring to my home" said monkey happily.
In the fruit enjoying, he heard the misterius happy which he didn't know where it was come from. "Hei..friends, don't forget me. Give me some apples to me too, please...." said the misterius voice. 
Monkey felt worry and afraid about it. "Hei...who are you? are you ghost? are you real? where do you come from?" asked monkey on the apple three. 

to be continued....